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We want youth leaders to build peace through play and dialogue.

- KAICIID Dialogue Center

Between people and nations, dialogue strengthens ties and creates communities.

KAICIID Dialogue Center, WOSM


A co-operative game for learning fundamental dialogue skills. 

The Experience

Dialogue. It’s the art of forming relationships and learning to express. It’s also the foundation of peace. Between people and nations, dialogue strengthens ties and creates communities. That’s why KAICIID, an international dialogue center skilled at peace building joined the World Organization of Scouts Movements to train thousands of youth leaders in dialogue. Through an ongoing partnership, we worked with these visionary organizations to create the DialoGo!, a cooperative game for building understanding through playful dialogue.

We begin with play! The creation process started at the 2015 World Scouts Jamboree. There, hundreds of youth participated in co-design workshops. They created prototype games to explore dialogue in inter-religious groups. 

New ideas lead to early prototypes. Stakeholders add their vision to the next step of product creation.


The game begins with an invitation. Players work together to choose a topic. Then, they respond to creative prompts and identify “winning ideas.” Any player can choose a “Connect”  card to practice core speaking and listening skills.


Identifying ideas for improvement is part of the process. We created “print and play” versions of the game, and then tested them in diverse settings: schools, youth arts clubs, and teacher trainings. In each iteration, we refined text and game play rules. 

“Our young people embraced it and are very keen to use it around the world.” 
- World Scouting Leader

Our shared goal was to increase the impact and find new audiences. We collaboratively created printed games, and a game website for free downloads. This made translation and game distribution simple.


Bright colors and joyful faces invite players to try the game. We worked with our partners to create a visual brand that crosses languages and cultures.


The Impact

DialoGo! achieved success by building capacity. Tasked with leading dialogue around the world, the KAICIID Center wanted to expand the impact of trainers through innovative partnerships. 


The DialoGo! game supports this effort to branch out. Working together, Mumkin Studio and KAICIID quickly translated the final game into eight languages for international distribution. Soon, new organizations and networks got on board, integrating the game into programs, and supporting new groups to give dialogue a try. 

An extensive third party evaluation supported the expansion of this training strategy. Tests showed that 9 out of 10 players would recommend the game, play it again, and commit their organizations to buying copies. Game players’ highlighted how they could integrate DialoGo! into their existing programs:


Through sharing dialogue skills in a fun and playful way, the DialoGo! game brings core tools for peace-building to the next generation of youth. 

“We could see the game being used in our network of 400 universities in the Arab region.” 

- ISESCO Leader

“This could be a program we introduce to schools...and ultimately institutionalize on a ministerial level.”  

- UNESCO Leader

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